Kiddions Mod Menu for GTA5 Online Features (2024)

Kiddion's Modest Menu


Below are all the features of the Modest Menu listed and explained.


  • Leave Online

    This option will send you to singleplayer.

  • Go to Creator

    This option will send you to the Game Mode Creation Menu.

  • Choose Character

    This option will send you to the Character selection and creation Menu.

  • Online Session

    This list of options represents every Online Mode available.

  • Quit Game

    This option will help you quit the game, either Ask Quit or Force Quit.


  • God Mode

    Makes the character invulnerable to damage.

  • Aqua Lungs

    Makes the breath bar fill up and remain full as long as active.

  • Waterproof

    Makes the character sink to the bottom of water as if it were never there.

  • Night Vision

    Immediately enables night vision regardless of mask or helmet.

  • Thermal Vision

    Immediately enables thermal vision regardless of mask or helmet.

  • Blackout

    Removes the lighting from your surroundings, like a power surge hence. Only client-side.

  • Gamepad Assisted Aim

    Toggles Assisted Aim for game controllers without having to switch sessions.

  • Mobile Radio

    Toggles the radio, just like driving in a car025.

  • Health Boost

    Options to set health to Normal, Increased or Bulletproof.

  • Heal Player

    This will fully recover all health and armour even if you don’t have any armour.

  • Suicide

    This will instantly kill yourself.

  • No Gravity

    Enabling this will prevent you from moving downward due to gravity.

  • No Ragdoll

    Enabling this will prevent you from being knocked into ragdoll.

  • Seatbelt

    Enabling this means you will not be knocked off bikes or positions in exposed vehicles.

  • Everyone Ignore

    Enabling this means NPCs will not shoot at you.

  • Cops Ignore

    With this option Police will ignore you.

  • Wanted Level

    Setting the number will give you a wanted level of that number.

  • Never Wanted

    Enabling this will prevent you from getting a wanted level.

  • Freeze Wanted Level

    Enabling this will lock your wanted level.

  • Run Speed

    Will increase walk and run speed. Minimum 1, Maximum 5

  • Swim Speed

    Increase swimming speed. Minimum 1, Maximum 5

  • Super Jump

    Enabling it will increase the jump height.

  • Undead Offradar

    Keeps you permanently hidden on the radar and makes you invincible.


  • Handling

    This menu will allow you to apply certain options for traction, brake force and others.

  • Model Features

    Choose from Jumping Car, Parachute, Ramp and Rocket Boost to be added to your car.

  • Extra Flags

    Toggling the flags will alter certain features on a vehicle such as a livery or side panels.

  • Customization

    All settings in this menu will allow you to apply settings that most vehicles can have applied to them from any Los Santos Custom.

  • God Mode

    Will make the current vehicle invulnerable to damage.

  • Waterproof

    Will prevent the car from being destroyed by water. The car will function as though there is no water.

  • Heal Vehicle

    Will recover the vehicles health to maximum but will not aesthetically repair the vehicle.

  • Destroy Vehicle

    Will remove all remaining health from a vehicle causing it to typically flame and explode.

  • Boost Auto-Recharge

    Enabling this will instantly refill boost bars upon depletion. Only for vehicles with a boost bar.

  • Infinte Boost

    Enabling this will keep the boost bar permanently full.

  • Freeze Vehicle Ammo

    Enabling this will freeze the current ammo of your vehicle.

  • Acceleration

    Increases the rate at which the car will increase speed.

  • Gravity

    Changes the gravity for the current vehicle.

  • Car Suspension Height

    Changing this will change the height of the vehicle.

  • Dirt Level

    Changing this will change the visual appearance of dirt on the vehicle.

  • Override Speed Limit

    Changing this will change the speed limit of the current vehicle.

  • Untargetable

    Enabling this will prevent homing rockets from locking onto your current vehicle.

  • Wheel Steering

    Changing this will change whether the car steers from the front, back or both.

  • Door Lock

    Changing this will alter the type of door lock in current your car.

  • Counts

    The counts simply control how much ammo is available for your current vehicle.

  • Forge Model for LSC

    Enabling this allows cars that are normally too expensive to take into Los Santos Customs, to be let in.

  • Level Vehicle

    This will reset the position of a vehicle.


  • Weapons Loadout

    Toggling any of the boxes in this section will give or take away the weapon from you if you own it.

  • Max All Ammo

    Using this will fill up all ammo types on all weapons to the maximum.

  • Freeze Ammo

    Enabling this will prevent ammo being spent or gained.

  • Infinte Ammo

    Enabling this will prevent ammo from being lost. However you will still have to reload.

  • Infinite Clip

    Enabling this will also prevent ammo from being lost. Reloading is not required.

  • Max Ammo

    Using this will fill up ammo for the current weapon in use.

  • Fast Reload

    Enabling this will increase reload times by about 4.

  • No Recoil

    Enabling this will prevent recoil kick on your current weapon.

  • No Spread

    Enabling this will prevent spread from affecting your current weapon.

  • Long Range

    Enabling this will allow short range weapons, such as shotguns, to reach further distances.

  • BulletsInBatch

    This option lets you control how many bullets your weapon will fire at the same time.

  • Aim FOV

    Changing the value on this will alter the FOV degree when scoped in with a weapon.

  • Time Between Shots

    Changing the value on this will change the time it takes to fire again.

  • Speed

    Changing this value will change the time it takes the bullet to hit its target.

  • Weapon Damage Multiplier

    Changing the value on this will change the amount of damage the current weapon will deal.

  • Hit Force

    Changing the value on this will change the amount of knockback your weapon will deal to people, helicopters and vehicles.

  • Bullet Impact

    Changing this will change your weapons current impact effect to whatever is selected.


  • Set Weather

    Changing this will change the weather to whatever is selected (client-side).

  • Upgrade Money Pickups

    Changing this value will increase the amount of money received from money lying on the floor.

  • Cop Killer

    Enabling this will automatically kill police in range.

  • Kill Attackers

    If enabled, all NPCs that deal damage to you will be killed automatically.

  • Kill Enemies

    Using this will attempt to kill all enemies close to you.

  • Kill Mission NPCs

    Using this will attempt to kill any relevant mission NPCs close to you.

  • Kill All NPCs

    Using this will attempt to kill all NPCs close to you.

  • Remove CCTVs

    Using this will disable all CCTVs in range.

  • Kill All Mission Vehicles

    Using this will destroy all vehicles relevant to your current objectives.

  • Kill All Cars

    Using this will explode all vehicles up to rendering distance. Does not affect vehicles being currently driven by another player.

  • Revive Dead Cars

    Using this will revive all vehicles that have been destroyed up to rendering distance.

  • End Cutscene

    Using this will skip the cutscene and go straight to the loading screen or whatever would happen next.


  • Waypoint

    Using this after setting a waypoint on the map will attempt to teleport to that waypoint.

  • Objective

    Using this after receiving an objective will teleport you to that objective.

  • Next Objective

    Same as above, just for the next objective.

  • Vehicle

    Using this will teleport you to the nearest driveable vehicle.

  • Any Pickup

    Using this will teleport you to the nearest item that is able to be picked up.

  • Locations

    All further entries in Teleport are to specific locations.


  • No Idle Kick

    Enabling this disables afk kick.

  • Change Appearance for Free

    Enabling this will set the option to change appearance in the interaction menu to Free.

  • Disable Out-of-Bounds Death

    Enabling this will remove all death borders on the map.

  • Extend Timers

    Enabling this will increase the amount of time given for any of the activities in this category.

  • Remove Cooldown

    Enabling this will completely get rid of any cooldown or delay normally given after an activity.

  • No Mission Time Penalties

    Enabling this will disable time penalties for activities that are affected by it.

  • No Orbital Cannon Cooldown

    Enabling this will disable the cooldown after firing the Orbital Cannon.

  • AP Multiplier

    Changing this value will change the amount of Arena Points you get when playing an arena gamemode.

  • RP Multiplier

    Changing this value will change the amount of RP you get when playing the game.

  • Min Mission Payout

    Changing this value will override any mission payout to whatever you set the value.

  • Arena Wheel Override

    Changing any of the Arena override values will change the corresponding output from the arena game modes.


  • List of Unlocks

    A list of items than can be unlocked by enabling them, all unlocks are not permanent.

Story Mode

  • Spawn Vehicle

    This list lets you spawn all available vehicles in story mode.

  • Set Hour

    Changing this option will change the ingame time.

  • Cash Options

    Lets you change Michaels, Franklins and Trevors money.

  • Max Options

    With these options you can max out all the players capacitys and the special ability.

Online Players

  • Overview of Players

    A list of players in your lobby, you can spectate, teleport or drop ceo items on them.

Online Services

  • Bunker Settings

    A list of options for tweaking your bunker, like removing bunker supply delay.

  • Casino Settings

    A list of options for making the Casino more fun, like getting the Lucky Wheel Prize.

  • MC Settings

    Options for your MC, like extending MC delivery timers or removing MC supply delay.

  • Nightclub Settings

    Options for your Nightclub, like extending Nightclub timers or removing Nightclub cooldown.

  • Get Personal Vehicle

    Selecting from this list, will summon any car you own as your personal vehicle.

  • Set RP Level

    Changing this value will immediately change your RP level.

  • Give Weapon

    Using this will give you any selected weapon from the list.

  • Big Map

    Using this will enable the bigger mini-map.

  • Enable SecuroServ / MC

    This should be enabled by default and simply controls the option to create a CEO or MC business.

  • Passive Mode

    Enabling this will immediately grant passive mode with no cooldown.

  • Mute Phone Calls

    Enabling this will automatically ignore all phone calls that you would normally get.

  • Off-Radar

    Enabling this will provide permanent off-radar from other players until deactivated.

  • Ghost Organisation

    Enabling this will provide Ghost organisation for 99 minutes.

  • Reveal Players

    Enabling this will reveal hidden players.

  • Bribe Authorities

    Enabling this will permanently bribe authorities until deactivated.

  • Cops Turn Blind Eye

    Enabling this will keep you at no stars until deactivated.

  • Enter PV

    Using this will teleport you to your personal vehicle regardless of your location.

  • Repair Vehicle

    Using this will fully heal your current vehicle aesthetically and statistically.

  • Remove Insurance Claims

    Using this will remove all current insurance claims for free.

  • Pickups, Deliveries, Gets and Instants

    All of these options will work as though they have been called for normally without the cost.

  • Disconnect Session

    You will disconnect from online and be moved to singleplayer.

  • Empty Session

    Your session will be empty of players and the result will be identical to starting an empty public lobby.

Online Vehicle Spawn

  • Unlock All Vehicles

    This is identical to the option of the same name in Unlocks and will, allow you to spawn every vehicle.

  • Clone Vehicle

    This list of options can be used to clone near or current vehicles.

  • Saved Vehicle

    In this list vehicles can be safed for later spawning.

  • Vehicle Class and Model

    These options choose which car will be spawned in.

  • Spawn Anonymous, Faked Personal, Pegasus

    These will all try to spawn the custom vehicle you have chosen in the above settings.

Online Protection

  • Disable Freeze

    Prevents you character being stuck still by a modder.

  • Disable PTFX

    Prevents particles bombarding your character.

  • Disable Remote Alter Wanted Level

    Prevents someone else setting your wanted level for you.

  • Disable Remote Control

    Prevents you from becoming a puppet.

  • Disable Remote Ragdoll

    Prevents you from becoming a jellyfish.

  • Disable Remote Sound

    Prevents you from hearing unwanted stuff.

  • Disable Teleport

    Prevents someone teleporting you.

  • Disable Remove All Weapons

    Prevents someone from deleting all your weapons.

  • Disable Remove Weapon

    Prevents someone from deleting your current weapon.

  • Disable Camera Control

    Prevents someone from controlling your eyes.

  • Disable Send to Island / Job

    Prevents modders from being able to remotely send you to an activity you didn’t ask for.

  • Disable Apartment Teleport

    Prevents modders from teleporting you to an apartment against your will.

  • Disable Vehicle Kick

    Prevents modders from kicking you out of your vehicle.

  • Disable Weather Control

    Prevents modders from causing crazy weather.

  • Report Protection

    Protects you in most cases of being reported.

  • Detach Objects

    Removes modded objects attached to you such as thrusting Trevor.


  • Drop Ped (standard Script)

    Appears to function as the Ped Dropper.

  • Undead Offradar (standard Script)

    Permanently keep you hidden on the radar from other players and makes you invincible.

  • Custom Scripts

    Your installed scripts will show here. You can Download them here.

Menu Settings

  • Menu X Position

    Moves the actual menu on your screen along the horizontal axis.

  • Menu Y Position

    Moves the actual menu on your screen along the vertical axis.

  • Max Viewable Items

    Sets the maximum number of items in a list to be seen at once.

  • Opacity

    Changes how transparent the menu is.

  • Select Theme

    Changes the current theme of the Modest Menu. You can Download some of them here.

  • Disable Handling Restore

    Enabling this will prevent new vehicles from having reset controls.

  • Disable Weapon Restore

    Prevents weapons restoring to default stats when switched.

  • Enable Lua Debug Console

    Enables the Lua Debug Console for nerds.

  • Save config

    Using this will save any changes you’ve made such as saved vehicles and protection to the config.

  • Reload Config

    Using this will reopen the config file and update options based on that.

  • Reload Scripts

    Will reset and reload scripts, useful when adding new scripts.

  • Quit

    Using this will close down the Mod Menu.

We are neither the owner nor the developer of this software, therefore all credits go to the respective creator. This website only provides the user with the software for download. We are not responsible for any damage caused by this software.

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Kiddions Mod Menu for GTA5 Online Features (2024)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

Last Updated:

Views: 6056

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.